Monday, May 11, 2015

Spencer George. Bad To The Bone. Sharpie/Photography. 2015. 
The theme for these photographs was the word "wicked". After creating a mind map, I decided I wanted to take it in the direction of literal wickedness, and play out the teenage rebel. I heavily outlined my eyes with black cat eye eyeliner, and put on dark red lipstick along with a chocker and a shirt that features a skeleton riding a motorcycle with the caption "Live Fast Die Young". After taking the photos, I decided to edit them with some filters so that it looked like there was a fiery light on top of my white background. Once printing them, I still felt that I wanted to do more to emphasize the point of wickedness. I drew a sleeve tattoo on my arm with sharpie, and also another tattoo with a barcode which reads "property of WCKD". This is a reference to the book The Maze Runner, in which a corporation (WCKD) marks many of their objects with this barcode. Additionally, I added in an eyebrow piercing and two quotes from songs- "Ain't No Rest For the Wicked" by Cage The Elephant, and "Sleep" by My Chemical Romance. Since half of my shirt got cut off by my hair, I then re-wrote "Live Fast Die Young" in the corners of the picture.

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